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i go my nuncle 's house at last saturday...that day is my nuncle open house...i damn love he home's design ! is luxury ... i wear a red clothes and a black skirt that night...my life can't be short of red color...haha...i really  really really love the red color!

Oops...! my weight were increase >< SO hurt!! i dont want be a fat girl ...(cry)

i have many day absent already , my teacher always ask me where the letter?where the letter? oh no~~i really hate the ppl always ask me the same questions ,haha!

OK...Good Night World....


school vacation

in this two week ,i just working only...my time totally is full , first i work at the mines's book fair...work 11 jam a day...i just can say is .......very !very !very!  tired!!!!!! then after finish at book fair...i working at klang 's aeon jusco...work at fair also...this job most hard and tired...i sale the product is can reduce our power of the eyes...the product price is RM1780 is very hard to sale , and i need wake up early everyday...and when i back home is 12 a.m already...i will sad! my baby friend invite me yam cha also can't join...><